Family Division

Number III.


HENRY (HARRY) BRAMLET, Born 1787, one of the pioneer settlers of Saline County. Back in an early day of Statehood, when new settlements were being made, these brothers were equal to the occasion, in planting themselves on good soil, with plenty of good timber. Harry, being one of the bunch, made his selection in the same neighborhood, purchasing land and building a home. His family was an asset to his prosperity, and all hands and the cook hustled to get the land cleared for a crop. His education was sufficient for his day, and his strong personality made friends worth having. While the country was very thinly settled at that time, yet the neighbors exchanged work in house raising and log rolling time. The old time log cabins of that day were well appreciated, for it was home, where love reigned supreme. And life was sweet, with all the work and inconvenient surroundings. The living was mostly dug from the ground, as but little fruit, except wild fruit, such as berries, grapes and plums, was to be had. The family had only home-made clothing, and that meant work for the women folks; so all had work to do, and prosperity was theirs to enjoy. Christianity was the leading principle of life, and was taught in the home. The milling process for grinding grain was poor and very slow, as some made home-made graters and grated the corn by hand to make meal for bread making. Then, in a few years, they had water mills to go to, but had to wait their turn for grinding, and a long wait sometimes. The shoes they wore were not like our shoes of today, as they were made from hides and old rags or clothes, then wrapped around the feet, and when the snow was deep they would wrap clothes around the ankles. But those are days of history, and now we are living in a fast age of new things, new ideas a hurry up and get on the band wagon life. Uncle Harry, as he was called, raised his family with respect and gave them a chance for an education of their day. He never lived as long a life as his younger brother, Coleman, but lived a life of usefulness. He left his sons, Allen, Benjamin, William, Reuben and Warham, to care for the farm and stock, and to help each other. His body sleeps in Bramlet Cemetery, to await the resurrection of bodies. His children are all deceased. As years come and go, so do lives of individuals, this March 16, 1923. The first grave dug in Wolf Creek Cemetery is occupied by a wife of Uncle Harry Bramlet.

1 -- ALLEN BRAMLET, Son first mentioned of Harry. Allen, being an offspring of one of the pioneers, lived in a day of what we, in this time, 1923, would say olden times, when there was real work to do in making a living. But the boys of his day made good use of their opportunities, as school was a slow factor compared with today. Yet the boys learned to obey their parents and teacher. Do they today? Allen knew his lessons at school and gained some important knowledge as he traveled through young manhood. Like his kindred, he went and got married and made a start in the world, but did not live to enjoy a ripe old age. He cleared land and farmed and left one son to mourn his death, John Henry. The writer never knew Allen Bramlet.

2 -- JOHN HENRY BRAMLET, Only son of Allen (as known by writer), born July 23, 1848. John Henry grew up under conditions unlike to some boys, but had the chance to get a taste of an education, making each opportunity count, his ambition was of a determined make-up for success in the things undertaken for good, and his chance was to hustle, and that he did with good success. As he grew to be a man, a change of location was his to choose. In short order things were made ready, and he was traveling toward the sunny west, stopping in Kansas, where he worked until ready to return to Illinois. He had saved a few dollars, and after arriving in the old neighborhood, smiling faces were to be seen, as John Henry had come back from the west. But he was never idle, as work was his choice, and he got busy and leased some land from his relative, Uncle Coleman Bramlet, as we always called him. And some crop of tobacco J. H. did raise on this land, as tobacco in those days was the money crop. Very soon he had things in fair shape for real living and took unto himself a wife. To this union one son was added. His wife became an invalid for years, and John H. experienced some hardships in making a living and nursing a sick wife; but he never failed to do his duty in caring for the sick. The farm had to be abandoned to care for the sick. He entered the drug business for a few years, but later became engaged in the stock, grain and feed business. Then, with his son, he added to this line the coal business, and at the present time the son handles the business, as his father is poorly, getting up in years. His wife died a few years ago, and the father, with son and family, live in Eldorado, Illinois. Later, July 7, 1923, death claimed John Henry. Everett Bramlet, only son of John H., as stated, runs the business, as he was educated along business lines and has proven successful, and is to be found at his post of duty. When grown, and his business was worked up to a paying proposition, he decided to take unto himself a wife. His choice was good, and two boys have entered the home, Robert and Louis. These boys are yet young. Robert, the older, is of school age, and it is hoped his success will be as his parents are teaching and training him for. His future is yet to be proven, and is being prepared for. Best wishes to the boy. Louis is youngest, but is coming along in the path of improvement. His young days are fast going by, and soon he will be among the foremost boys of his time, as the school and other work must be done, and early preparation is what will count in the end. He has the showing for a smart, hustling boy, like his brother. Therefore, the parents are as teachers, by precept and by example; trusting to know of excellent traits and developments for good coming from these boys' lives as they grow to manhood. A bright opportunity is in the future for them. Robert is in high school and 15 years old, Louis following on at 12 years and making good. Blessings on the boys.

1 -- BENJAMIN BRAMLET, Son, second mentioned, of Pioneer Harry. This man and his life is known very little of by the writer. Yet he lived among his people until his young manhood days. Suppose his boy and school days were about the same as his brothers, as all older folks of 75 and 80 years ago know the hard knocks it took to get a little taste of school knowledge. But one thing that helped to speed the boys along was that home training of parents. The fireside lessons were in demand, and are very needful today. Benjamin moved and landed near the central part of the State of Illinois, and there raised his family. I think his life was spent as a farmer, but his family is not known by the writer, except as could be gathered through others, and that but little. There were some Bramlets, young men up in the State, who worked in the coal mines, but I failed to get names or any information on them, only supposing they were sons of Benjamin.

1 -- WILLIAM BRAMLET, a son, third mentioned, of Pioneer Harry. William proved to be equal to all occasions. As a boy he was very apt in doing things about the home, and learned some mischievousness like unto other boys, as not many boys those days were angels. But they were workers, as it took work to clear up the land so it could be cultivated, and William knew his tasks. His school privileges were along with the rest of the boys, and to hustle and study was his battle to keep up with the best of his class. He was short in height, but got to be wide out. He grew to be a man and felt worthy of having a housekeeper, and at last persuaded a young woman to come and do his cooking. She came, and this union brought sons and daughters, making home pleasant. William was a farmer to be proud of, his community neighbors, as farmers, looking up to him as a prosperous farmer. He did not five to be an old man, but made good use of his life. His death came to him at his home on the farm about two and one-half miles north of Eldorado, Illinois. His sons, six of them:

2 -- FRANK BRAMLET, oldest son of William, was raised on his father's farm and knew the lick that most farmers' boys learned in those days chopping and pulling a cross-cut saw, Yet he never killed himself at hard work, but knew what it was to go up against the real thing. His school days were well cared for, as the school years came and went He managed to equip himself for teaching, but did not seem to like teaching, and decided to farm and did so as long as he lived. His death came while yet a single man in the prime of life.

2 -- THOMAS BRAMLET, Second son of William, We speak of Tommy, as he was better known by his shorter name. He was also reared on his father's farm and never knew much about idleness, but learned very young to harness up a team and get to going, it has been said that some men grow out of their usefulness. Not so in Tommy's case, as his farm work was well looked after with success until he decided to leave the farm. His school work, when a boy, was kept up along with his classmates, but only a common school education is his to possess. When grown up to young manhood he was somewhat of a bashful fellow, but in due time he learned to talk, when away from home, providing some girl would ask him a question. One fact in his early life: Among young folks he was considered a man of good judgment, as was tested out when he selected for himself a wife. For the past few years he and his wife have been in a business in a mining camp in Saline County, Illinois, Harco, where they now live. Some boys are there to make or cause burdens -- (3 -- ) GLEN and HAL BRAMLET, as they are known. Glen, being the older, has had some more experience than Hal, but very few young men carry a man's head on their young shoulders. It would be much better to see that than to see a boy's head on a man's shoulders. Not so in the case of Tommy Bramlet's boys. Their school and farm life has been a test, showing their ability to do things. The writer knows but little of the boys since leaving the farm, supposing they, with their parents, are yet at the mining camp. Best wishes to the family. Later, Thomas and wife reside in Harrisburg:, Illinois.

4 -- THOMAS RUSSELL BRAMLET, son of Glenn, born May 10, 1923. This son is one of the boys that makes kindred look about and take notice. He is one of very extra nerve, began walking at eight and a half months of age, and is a special delight of parents and grandparents. It is to be hoped that Thomas Russell Bramlet, when grown to manhood, places high aims for his life's ideal, and that he strives to master self along with life's struggles. May blessings be his to receive as well as to give.

2 -- JOSEPH BRAMLET, Third son of William, another farm product. Joe, as he is known, knows the soil and the timber. He knows of corn, hay and oats, for his life from infancy up through his boyhood and into young-man life, and on into older days as a bachelor, was spent on the farm. His school days, when a boy, were a like opportunity with other boys of his age. Joe has had some experience in cookery as a bachelor, but pity on him; well, he thinks one can be fed cheaper than two, and such is the case with Joe. It seems no one has any pity for Joe. If so, he would have been married long ago, and he is not heeding one admonition, the one to multiply and replenish the earth. But possibly he aims to live and die a bachelor. "Nuff" said. Joe quits the farm, doing job work.

2 -- GEORGE and BENJAMIN BRAMLET, Fourth and fifth sons of William, but which is the fifth or fourth, the writer is not able to say, as they are twins. George will take fourth place in this write-up, because of his advanced step in life. George as a boy was one you might call thrifty; he was most always looking for things to come easy, and he makes fair speed to his liking. His school days were well cared for, as he kept up with the best of his classes. He did his work with honor, but can't say as to the discipline used by his teacher in controlling his pupil; but never knew of anything of disorder in his case. He has always proven a worker, in school and on the farm. His home will make one proud to visit it; his farming in a small way is very successful, and he is congratulated in being a Bramlet. The inbred principle of this family is well recognized by business concerns of note and wealth. It has been said of the family, as related to the royal family, very well said, as they are noted and royal, that they are only brothers. His early choice of a companion has proven wonderful, in his farm life. Those dear children are a source of joy to his life. May his future days be many, to be well spent in knowing that it is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die. George has left the farm and can be found in Eldorado, Illinois. A man nearing 50 years old this 1923; in 1924 elected road commissioner in Eldorado Township.

Benjamin takes fifth place as a son of William. Ben, as he is better known, was some boy, a chubby little fellow; but he always could get his part of the good eats. He was a hale, jolly boy, and his jokes and fun are still a part of his makeup. When in school, along with other boys, Ben learned of some pranks, which was hard to keep from him after school hours. It was great sport to be able to outdo some school-mate, yet he was up with the average pupils of his classes. A fairly good common school education was his to possess. But he only lived on the farm until grown, and then tried city life a while. He worked in East St. Louis for some time, then returned to the old home for a short stay. Later he worked for the Burnett people, of Eldorado, Illinois, but he left the firm for other quarters, and later found himself a married man. Well, surely Ben was oM enough to be married; any bachelor ought to be after he passes 44 years of age. The writer, since coming to Arkansas three years ago, has lost track of Benjamin, but it h to be hoped his wife knows his whereabouts. One feature of Ben was that his word was to be relied on. Those who know him best are his best friends. May joy and peace be his in life now and in the life to come. Later, Ben is located in Enfield, Illinois, and is in the poultry business, making good. One's life is what he makes it; sow to the wind, and reap the whirlwind.

3 -- HAROLD BRAMLET, Oldest son of George. This son is a boy of his parents' liking in all good things he does. When just a boy, he was reminded of things that could have been done, but allowances were made accordingly. But his schooling and farm life have been to him a foundation for building ambition, integrity and a knowledge of facts, pertaining to his future usefulness. His growing into manhood with his school and farm experience, qualifies him for his duties as they come up before him, and his great achievements are due to the fact of the disciplined, early trained life. Harold has the makeup and foundation to prove in coming years a man of prosperous and influential attainments. His present opportunities for adding to an education, are valuable, if he can but push on to good possession. His name goes out in his community as one young man who can look back to to earlier days and think of looking onward, upward and forward to a realization of many possibilities. Now we find him a grown young man of good teaching, and his future will be blessed according to his desire and sound principle of his foundation.

3 -- KENNETH BRAMLET, Second son of George. This boy is another son of farm birth, and should be proud of the fact. While many boys, as they grow up on the farm, wish their place could be exchanged for some other, yet a mere boy does not always understand what is best for a growing boy. Kenneth has good opportunities, and has been blessed with home and school environments, and his farm experience gets him nerve and muscle. His ambition and preparation for future life place it within his power to make good for older days, as the present opportunities for an education are in reach of this young man.. Each individual must take hold of the better principles that are his to possess, and to be one of the few that may be successful in life. Kenneth, while yet in his teens, has a great future to look to, and may he have high ideals, and may his accomplishments be according to such ideals. May he get an inspiration of facts that will help him to look beyond the natural life, and to know of a surety that man is only mortal, in a natural state, and must be transformed to be able to understand spiritual things, and blessed is he who puts his trust in God.

2 -- CHARLEY BRAMLET, Sixth son of William, and the baby boy, but none the less prudent because of his being the youngest child of this noted family. To be sure, a general idea is that the baby in the family most always has easier sailing in growing up than the older ones, but Charley was small at his father's death, and the extra care and responsibility of the mother and older ones in keeping up all odds and ends about the farm, caused Charley to fail to get that double portion of attention. But his steps were sufficient about the place to know he was about some important duty. His school days in early life were well taken care of. In different things he excelled some of his classmates, and he did not stop his school work in just learning to read and write, but pushed on to an equipment of a teacher. His home being near the school building made it convenient for him to get in full time in winter months. He owns and lives on the old home place, and his family is an asset to the community. They know their leader as a farmer and teacher, and one who cares for his own. Success means much to this home, and character, with home training, is a sure guidepost for future life in being useful and happy. The farm is one choice place to live and grow up children. May this man and family reap the harvest of choice fruit in pure lives. Charley made peace with God, and feels that a great portion of true success is his in this life and in the life to come.

3 -- RALPH BRAMLET, Oldest son of Charley, a boy of farm birth and one that is blessed with farm and school privileges that will spell something in the future. Ralph at his present age can look back to earlier days of long hours on the farm, but to a boy with proper makeup and training, he soon forgets those long days, when he understands they were the days of moulding ambition and muscle, and the development of thought and exercising of brain, to an understanding of facts, which helps to make men. He is yet a school boy and intends to step out into the future, to make use of present opportunities, to accomplish something of interest to himself, and to give honor to the cause of industry. His early training is being looked back to as days of pleasure and opportunity that were not at that time well understood, but as years come and go, each one gathers more knowledge of direct interest which may be appropriated to one's comfort and pleasure. His foundation, as being laid, means development for future use in service to home, community, county, state and nation, and he can't afford to forget the one most needful principle of the soul's development for a future life of peace.

3 -- HARRY BRAMLET, Second son of Charley. This boy is coming on as years pass by, and his farm life as a boy, connected with school work, makes it interesting for a lad of 16. His present days in school mean much for his coming manhood. Harry can now begin to understand some of the true merits of real hard study, but his perseverance and skill at mastering the hard problems will become effective, when time and study master the situation. His opportunities are being well cared for, and a bright future is in prospect for him. His foundation being laid in early life means a building for future accomplishments, when older days come to him. His future usefulness as a home builder, farmer or teacher, depends on early training and the foundation builded upon. My young man, build on a sure foundation and forget not the family example of right and righteousness.

1 -- REUBEN BRAMLET, Fourth son of pioneer Harry. This subject of a noted family is known in this life of Reuben Bramlet. His boyhood days differed very little from other boys, but the outcome was somewhat different. His personality from childhood exacted something of real interest, and his early teaching and training was of a nature to impress older folks, but so few maintained the best thoughts. In observation and comprehension, his mind was grasping for this knowledge that would spell success to a worthy boy. His school days were along with other boys of a like age, as in that day schools were not in advance as today. However, the opportunity was well cared for, reading and spelling being the most important. Reuben was raised on the farm and learned to do farm work and to know stock, horses, cattle and good hogs being his delight. He was a boy of hustle, a boy of innocent fun, a boy well liked by his associates -- really, an all-around, jolly boy. As he grew to manhood his name became familiar to the ladies, and that spelled a gay time. His young manhood age was a season of fun and laughter so necessary to young life as we go through this life but once. Reuben in older life was a central figure in the community.

Reuben Bramlet

He was known far and near as a stock man of extra qualifications, priding himself in growing good stuff from his land, and in growing fancy show stock for the county fairs, many blue ribbons having been tied to his stock's bridles. Good mules was a hobby of his; in fact, he was a leader in his likings, which meant much to him. He owned a large tract of good land in the pioneer settlement where he was raised, lived and died. His life was not in ill-gotten gain, but he lived a conscientious, open-to-all life, standing on the true principles of truth and righteousness, and remembering his Creator in the days of his youth. His ambition was great on gain and finance, and he realized his condition and standing as a man in the world, and also his connection as an heir with Jesus Christ. His last days were his best days, a great preaching and singing service being held at his home on Sunday afternoon before he died on Monday morning. He departed in peace, leaving companion and children to follow. His body rests in the family cemetery.

2 -- HARMON BRAMLET, Oldest son of Reuben. Harmon, beginning of another generation, resembles the original family, and his life follows along ancestry lines. Nothing in the work line is too hard to do, but life being less than 100 years, one begins to feel older at sixty, although some seem in their prime at this age. Harmon as a boy truly and surely knew how to speed up the feeding and other necessary work on the farm. His time was all taken up at work through the week, and Sunday was rest day, but little rest did a growing boy take on Sunday. Too much fun to be engaged in, as one is not a boy very many times in life. Years bring on age, and boys grow to be men, and Harmon is no exception to the general rule. When a boy in school his privileges were only fairly good, but he got along well with his studies, making good as far as he went. He stopped too soon, as did other boys. Yet his knowledge meets his needs, as he farms and raises stock. In his young manhood days he took unto himself a wife, and soon had a home of his own. His success as a farmer and father was his to enjoy. As a husband, he and his companion lived a life of service to each other in enjoying the fruits of their labor and in raising their children. But in the prime of life his wife was called to her long home. Since, Harmon's life has had knocks of sorrow, but his children are all grown, and a daughter to keep house for him is a source of joy. Hoping for better days to come, if not in this world, in the world to come, may happiness be his to enjoy. He made peace with God in early life. Blessings and honor to him while he yet lives.

3 -- ALLEN BRAMLET, oldest son of Harmon. Allen was born and raised on his father's farm, and learned the real thing of sixteen hours a day in crop time. But farming and schooling, in young days, only prepare the young men for further and greater usefulness in a business life. Therefore, Allen, as he grew to be a man (and small at that), changed his way of living, got himself a woman, married, and left the farm, and went to work for Uncle Sam, so he knows the route. His education is put into practice. Allen lives in Eldorado, Illinois, owns his home, and will soon begin to feel older than a boy, though yet a boy. He has the makeup of an old timer, in principle and in practice, true to name, honor and ambition, but looking for better days for future life.

4 -- DALE BRAMLET, Oldest son of Allen, who lives with his parents in Eldorado Illinois. While he is yet at home and a school boy, he is not one of the neglected ones by any means. His thrift and ambition mean much to a growing boy yet in school. For reason in nature is developed to a knowledge of facts to be comprehended and understood by well taught and well trained minds. There is no fault to be found in the opportunities of today. The only serious question is making good use of the opportunities afforded us, and the boy of training is reaching out for his share of the best, which is his once for life opportunity.

4 -- GLEN BRAMLET, second son of Allen, yet the younger, but not lost to things of beauty or anything of good taste, family like, to be a lover of good eats. A growing boy hardly ever gets over full. He will stop eating when full, but is soon hungry again and wants refilling. All this makes growth, and develops muscle, but the brain must have some feeding, and the teaching and training is of greater necessity than over feeding of the body. Glen is not a lost boy. In doing the things in and out of school, his future looks fair for a boy of his size and age. He is not fully developed, but is growing into that which will tell in the future for good.

3 -- ROY BRAMLET, Second son of Harmon. It is a fact that when Roy is about, you will know it, for he is a live one. In his small boyhood days he never failed to let you know of his presence. He was some shifty for a boy, in or out of school, yet he never craved to be a school teacher, but desired to have some knowledge as he went along through school life. His has been a hustle for more learning to get by easily, but he does not shirk his duty and responsibility as a man. Believe me, in his younger days when on his father's farm, he knew the lick it was done with, for it meant work, pull and push. He learned the real lesson of industry and hustle, and has not forgotten it. He followed his foreparents and went and got married, and is doing things for his little family. May his future days be blessed with good.

4 -- ARLAND BRAMLET, A son of Roy, and a pride of his father. As a child, he is learning to know and follow his papa's footsteps. Such is life in many families. He has the world before him and its opportunities, which are his to learn. May he be taught right principles.

3 -- GEORGE BRAMLET, Third son of Harmon. George, is a farmer's son, one who learned the real act of work. His schooling was along with other boys of his age, and his education is somewhat limited. A careful trait in this boys means his success, as a getting of bread and butter is to his liking. At this writing he is a grown man and will soon enter the bachelor list if some fair damsel fails to say the word. George is very careful to place himself aright, and may expect to remain single a few more years to help his father with farm work, as the farm is yet his home and there is no place like home. His mother died when he was but a boy, and George remains at the old homestead.

2 -- HENRY BRAMLET, Second son of Reuben. R. H., as he is known, was never in a hurry, but always got there just the same. His school days were along with others of his time. He never aspired to be a teacher or a merchant, but felt he should have such book knowledge as would do for a farmer. His natural ability, coupled to his book learning, prepared him tor his life duty, and in this early preparation he has made good. Truly, his early training, on farm and at fireside, has been a blessing to him in different ways. It seems he has always been busy and enjoyed his work. As a young man he .never was much on the go, yet he would get out occasionally to see his best girl. Often he and the writer would go calling together. Those days are past but not forgotten. He is truly a son of a farmer and a chip off the old block. His work, his economy and his industry have placed him near the top round as a Saline County farmer. With all his land and property, he delights to pay honor and tribute to whom it is due, and forgets not his Christian duty as a Missionary Baptist. May his life be long and spent in usefulness. He was about to enter bachelorhood life, but suddenly was persuaded to enter double life and multiply and replenish the earth. His decision and choice were good, and prosperity has been his, along with showers of blessings. Several children enliven the home.

3 -- GEORGE BRAMLET, Oldest son of Henry. George, as we know him, is the first chip from the block, and truly a good pattern. As a farmer he is knowing things of importance about the farm. His school days were well spent, but he does not stop with books. He only got a foundation from books to build on, and his building is being continued from day to day as he labors about the farm. Stock raising is an interesting feature to George, as are also poultry and fruits. He is now a fully matured man and married, and is getting a man's experience. He made an early choice of a Savior, which was a wise choice, and he has had delight in serving his Lord and Master. He was, and probably is yet, church clerk of Union Grove Baptist church. His life is an example for good, and his ability as a farmer is none the less interesting, yet the capacity of a farmer is of natural consequence: the spiritual, of Divine origin.

3 -- FRANKLIN BRAMLET, Second son of Henry, another chip from the old block, but a different chip, with enough resemblance to know what it is to be put to the test in school and on the farm. Such boys as Franklin can be assured of going his weight in keeping up with the best of them. These facts stand out clear in his young life, as has been proven all along the line. After his school days were over, as for books, he made plans to improve in knowledge and get some real experience. His choice of a selection has been good, and the firm of his superior in business knowledge is to his liking, a place to grow in knowledge, in finance and in influence for good. His general makeup as a man and his qualifications for the place he now holds, in the bank, a place of trust, justify his parents in being proud of him, not only for the dollars earned, but for the principle and makeup of the man in filling an honored position. But, young man as thou. art, make good. with thy Creator, or all worldly things will be as dross. Best wishes. for this young man. With only 23 years in his past, we wish him many years of usefulness in his remaining years.

3 -- SHERMAN BRAMLET, Third son of Henry. Sherman is farm-born and farm-raised, and is growing in experience, having the good privileges of a common school in getting book learning, besides some special privileges which assure him a. knowledge of things that pertain to a successful life as farmer. Being two years younger than a brother just mentioned, the facts of coming years may place an advancement to a degree of superiority, beyond present comprehension, that will change: plans and occupations. Farming seems to be the best interest of today, and there is no better place on earth to raise and train up boys for real usefulness. This boy has truly been drilled well by his parents. May temporal and spiritual blessings be his to enjoy, and a life of usefulness be his to live.

3 -- HARMON BRAMLET, Fourth son of Henry. This boy is the youngest and is called the baby, but is a large one and will soon be a man. His schooling and farm work come along with the best of his age, and he expects to follow the true principles of success as much as it is his to know, and he has the ability to lay hold onto the best. His opportunities are great, to build for the future. Blessings to the worthy.

2 -- FRANKLIN BRAMLET, Third son of Reuben, another chip off the old block. When a boy under school age he learned to ride horseback and did things about the farm. His life has been as a tiller of the soil. His school days were along with others of his age. He was an average scholar in his studies, bat never aspired to be a teacher. His qualification was sufficient to transact any common business as a farmer, and he looked forward to the farm and stock raising, making a success at his occupation. His younger days were very steady on the farm and among his associates. Franklin and I were boys together in age, size and pranks, as we used to scuffle some. He was some bashful young man until he was 21 years old, but in due time he braced up some good nerve and went out among them. His courtship life was in selected company. He was termed a wise old guy, and his choice of a life partner was to his liking. Two happy souls were united as one in bonds of holy matrimony. It is great to dwell together in harmony and peace. Blest be the tie that binds two lives In one. As a farmer, owning the old homestead, he certainly has a tasty farm home and understands the nature of the soil in the cultivation for gain and retaining its productiveness. Franklin holds to the principle of honesty and integrity, believing in truth and righteousness. May his continued life be more healthful, and may peace be his through remaining days.

2 -- REUBEN ALLEN BRAMLET, fourth son of Reuben, Sr. This boy came into the world in the same old way, but did not live to know of the world, as he died at about six months old.



There is no greater family or people on earth, who attend more strictly to their own affairs, without meddling, than does the Bramlet family.

The writer has labored and prayed and has prayed as he worked, that the unrevealed, hidden principle of a heart life be made manifest, to a surety of doing good. Prayer is the sincere desire of the HEART, which should be manifested in and through the I.IFE. This book is some of the teaching, as in answer to prayer: whether profitable or not, time and age win tell.

It has been said and proven: "Take a man in the prime of life, run him through a flint mill forward and backward, and then throw him across the belt, and if he come out whole, he is made of pretty good stuff, and will live until he dies.


1 -- WARHAM BRAMLET, Fifth son of Pioneer Harry. Warham was reared on a farm under like conditions as his older brothers, learning to do farm work as he grew up. His school privileges, when a boy, were along with other boys of a like age. In his childhood days more or less work was to be done on the farm. He grew up under some unpleasant conditions for farming in those days, as most land had to be cleared of timber to make it ready for cultivation. It was work through the summer and get what schooling you could in winter months, but the schools of Warham's day were not such schools as we have today, in 1923. His ability to learn was along with other children of his age and opportunity, lie never seemed to aspire to become a school teacher, but loved to read. His life was spent on the farm., excepting the years spent in service for his country, from 1861 to 1865. On his return from the war, he remained a single man for a few years, doing farm work and having it done. Not desiring to live a bachelor's: life, a wife was his to choose, and the home was made pleasant, as his future days gave evidence. His church belief was along with Bible teaching, as he understood church origin, and was strictly a Missionary Baptist. He loved to hear a religious debate, when carried on in harmony and with good purpose. Warham was a great reader of the general news, and kept well posted on affairs of general interest. He kept up his farm home in good shape. He raised two sons and one stepson, Warham passed to his reward some few years ago, leaving his two sons, Harry and Horace; also his stepson, J. N. Thomas, who yet lives and owns part of the old farm. Warham Bramlet did a great deed in raising this boy to manhood, as he is one of the worthy characters of the settlement.

2 -- HARRY A. BRAMLET, Oldest son of Warham. Harry was born on his father's farm in the Bramlet settlement, and was raised, on the farm. His days as a boy were spent in farming and going to school. His school work was very successful. He seemed to outclass some of his classmates. In fact, he led most of the pupils of his classes, as to age. Harry made good use of his time in school. His work as a growing boy on a farm was not as stringent as some boys on the farm, but he learned to know farm life, which has been profitable to him. His early life as a young was in school work as a teacher. His success. was phenomenal in this line, and in literary work. As a debater, H. A. was along with the best of the country. As he had little aspirations for making public speeches, he changed had little aspirations for making public speeches, he changed hustling and doing advanced work. As a promoter of farm. methods, in improving along advanced lines of successful farming, his time and life is being devoted along lines of advancement to the mind, to the work of soil building, and in promoting all lines of farm industry. All of life is not sunshine and roses. The hills and rocks are to be removed, and then sailing is much easier to one who can sail. Blest be the tie that binds two hearts as one. Man's usefulness is in the good he may be able to accomplish, but a life can be bled to lose its vitality, in doing the good purposed to do, as 'tis not all of life to live, nor all of death to die. Man's usefulness depends on ability and purpose laid out for future life. Many well devised plans fail because of lack of harmony in two lives, but in the end right will always win. His life as a companion and father, has had its bitter with the sweet. Right will win in the end. Who shall be able to stand? Those who trust in the Lord will be able to stand. Harry, with his new wife, lives on the farm.

3 -- WINDELL BRAMLET, Son of Harry A., and the oldest, as well as youngest. Just the same, he is a farm product by birth and lived on the farm until quite a lad, spending time in school and learning the farm life, which will be to his interest when older. Some years ago Windell was thrown into city or town life, and spent some time in school, but at the age of 18 years, he began work as a painter and paper hanger, and is making good at his new occupation. This boy has had some discouragements along his boyhood pathway, and should be honored for his steps taken in hustling to earn his bread and help a sister or mother. All of life is not sunshine nor roses, but some pleasure is mixed along with gloom. Who knows what a day may bring forth? To be sure, it will bring comfort, or it will bring things uncomfortable, and the best have burdens to bear. Windell is not alone in having lived through some unpleasant meanderings. Blessings on Windell.

2 -- HORACE BRAMLET, Baby son of Warham, and brother to H. A., lives and owns the old home. His childhood days were spent in and around this present home. Horace's boy days were as many other farm boys -- playing, working and going to school. All boys obtaining a good common school education, have advantage of those who fail to learn rudiments of knowledge, in theory and practice. Horace never seemed to aspire to a teacher's qualification, but desired to get such knowledge of books so as to link wit with common sense; to enable him to succeed in life as a farmer. He adds to his book learning, good horse-sense judgment, and taking as a partner for life, one who rules and guides man to success in this life and assures him a better home beyond this life, where dwells peace and happiness. Horace owns and lives on the birthplace of himself and brother, H. A., having lost his first wife with influenza, some four years ago. Horace understands that sadness, as well as happiness, may enter a home. Life is what we make it in one sense, and in another sense life is as we take it, therefore, pay tribute to whom tribute is due. Give God the honor due him, and he will give glory due you. May the blessings of peace be his in the coming life. Horace remarried and is doing well.

3 -- KENDALL BRAMLET, Oldest son of Horace. He is 13 years old and in school, doing well. He grades 100 in agriculture, which proves he has real farming blood in him.

3 -- CLIFTON BRAMLET, Second son of Horace, is a farmer lad of six years, but not in school, having a physical complaint which keeps him out of this winter's school of 1923-24.

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