Family Division

Number IV.


NATHAN BRAMLET, A pioneer settler of Saline County, Illinois; born February 3, 1799; died December 8, 1858. In an early day of statehood, Nathan, with his brothers, in settling up what is known as the Bramlet settlement, made some. sacrifices in leaving their parental home in Kentucky, but from what they knew of the timber and soil, they felt safe in making the venture. Nathan, being an older one, soon selected for himself a wife, and his life was in earnest to do and accomplish something. With land to clear and many improvements to make, he became a very busy man. Soon a son was born into the home and they named him Benjamin, and as time moved on with other changes and improvements, another son came to live with them, and his name was Warner. Work did not stop because of a new-born babe, but went on, as the necessity was greater. Nathan was a busy man on the farm and about the home, as he took up the practice of medicine, or rather treating the sick, using home remedies and good judgment to procure a cure. In those days, drugs were known but little about, yet there was less sickness than now, as there were much fewer people than now, but health was a necessary part of the being. In due time another son was born to the home, and they called him John Daniel. This meant more work, but the parents were proud of those boys, and worked with might and main to raise and train them for usefulness. Then one Moses came to live in this home, and he was gladly received by the brothers and parents, making things look good around this new log-built home, as all homes in those days were log cabins. In about two more years, Thomas C. came into this log cabin home, and was kindly received, along with the others. But, my, what fun for the boys, some of whom were getting old enough to do light work about the place, and to be sure, there was work to be done. The writer well remembers the old log cabin, and the timbered land. Again another son, Reuben by name, came to take up his abode with this family, and made things lively, for he made himself known. Then, later, one Samuel made his appearance. There were seven boys and seven girls to make up this home, and a lively bunch they were. Reader, think of a home with 14; but times were better then than now, considering the fast ways of present living, and the advancement in opportunities for gaining substantial knowledge. Nathan was equal to occasions of his day, and made good in his callings. The time of his life was shorter than some of his sons, yet he lived a life of usefulness. He lived and died believing in a Savior, one who saves all who believe.

1 -- BENJAMIN BRAMLET, Born August 29, 1821, first son of Pioneer Nathan. Ben, as he was called, lived in a day of work and little schooling, as the schools were few, and fewer than most any one of today would think. Yet the children gained in book knowledge, according to their opportunity, and made some advancement. The terms of school those days were short, to compare with today. Ben grew up at a time when work was work and play was play, and many hardships of the early day. But he could only grin and bear it, as many others had to do. Yet life was sweet as honey, and the work was done readily, according to the task. In those days the boys all had their work to do-corn stalks to cut and pick up and burn, and brush to pile and burn. Occasionally there would be an egg roast, which was fun, but often ended in & boy getting a whipping. Such was the life of the early-day boy; yet his life counted one in many things. Ben learned to read and write fairly well, and learned to sing the old time songs by note. His voice was considered excellent, and his singing was a delight to himself and to others. When a grown man lie felt his ability to care for a wife, and began to arrange his plans that way, and soon his life was made happy by his choice. of a companion. The same came to his life as came to his father's, a love for home and family, and in the sweet by and by a son was born to this home, Joseph H., gladdening the life of father and mother. Time moved on just the same, and the sun would still shine, when the clouds were removed. The same is true of one's life-just remove the clouds and the sun is shining. In those days the conveniences were not as pleasant as they became later, as time and improvement came, but such had to be endured. In due time another son was born into this home, and he accepted the name of Nathan. This meant more of real life to experience, in caring for an extra boy, but this was a pleasure in this pleasant home. The parents well understood their obligations to each in the home, which was life's pleasure and duty. In a few short years his companion bade farewell to this world, and left him the children to care for, which is some burden to most men, giving indoor, in addition to outdoor work. Fortunately, the children were growing up, and soon looking out for themselves, and he chose a second wife. One son blessed this union, Daniel, and the home was still made pleasant for older age. Finally all the children were grown up as men and women, and with families of their own. Yet his Christian life in his declining days brought peace and comfort. He was a soldier in two wars, the Mexican and Civil. He lived through many hardships and died in peace.

2 -- JOSEPH H. BRAMLET, Oldest son of Benjamin. Joe, as we call him, was some boy and learned things of interest as he grew up. His school days were not as many as he would have liked to have, yet he made good use of his allotment. He obtained a start and builded thereon. He was taught to work, as he was raised on the farm. In his boyhood days there was but little work for a boy to do except on the farm, and his mother dying before he was a man, caused him to shift some extra for himself. He persistently adhered to the demand for self-support, going out into the world, doing bits of labor that could be found, part of the time among relatives and sometimes elsewhere. In later years he learned to be handy with the hammer and saw and made extra money with his carpenter tools. Making good in life, but about to enter bachelorhood, he suddenly had a change of mind, as he had recently met an attraction in a woman. He soon decided to venture into matrimonial life, and his choice was her choice, so the two were made one. Since marriage, his life has been spent on the farm, where he and his wife now live, with success as farmer and stockman. In an earlier day he chose Jesus Christ as a Savior and Redeemer, and lives a life of faith and works in doing good. His age is out of boyhood, but in him is to be found some boy, as to cheerfulness and friendship, making a neighbor worth living by, and a devoted companion. Knowing the duty of citizenship, he makes the religious and moral principles better in his community by living in it. May his last days be happy. There were no children to bless this home.

2 -- NATHAN BRAMLET, Second son of Benjamin. Nathan had a. chance in early life to compare with his brother Joe, only a little different, as Nathan is younger, but none the less of a boy. His schooling was not the best, yet good came from it in learning to read and write and do his own figuring. A farmer's life was his from childhood to manhood. As a man he decided to take unto himself a wife, and his choice was his own selection. After marriage he remained on the farm for a few years, then decided to make a change for himself for better educational facilities, going to the State Capital of Illinois. He and family now live there and are busy as bees. Nathan is a man to make and hold friends wherever planting himself, and this failing is a trait to be thankful for. Since locating at Springfield, his time has been spent about the State House, doing things of necessity for the State. He has five sons, of whom he is proud, knowing he is filling a father's place in teaching and training the young for time and eternity. He made peace with God several years ago, understanding that it is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die. He is one of the true blue, and is proud of his family and name. Blessings to the upright in spirit and truth, as given to this home.

3 -- ROSCOE ELDON BRAMLET, Oldest son of Nathan. Roscoe, as we know him, is some man now, but when a boy, playing about his mother, his capers were about the same as other boys. All of his life has not been spent in play, yet some play is not bad even for a boy. Roscoe was in childhood a very steady little fellow, and it seems that inclination still holds good with him, and not a bad habit, yet not a habit, but only a principle Tor good in nature. Since going to Springfield, his development has been for good along the lines of his duty, only trying to do the best, and his future will tell of a useful life, to be given to the performance of his honest obligations. His life will tell the rest.

4 -- ROSCOE ELDON BRAMLET, JR., Son of Roscoe, Sr. This little one is one of us, and has the world before him. Blessings.

4 -- VINCENT JOSEPH BRAMLET, infant son of Roscoe, Sr. Born in 1923.

3 -- RAYDELL BRAMLET, Second son of Nathan. The fact that this boy is so little known to the writer, but knowing the stock, makes me say, he is not falling far behind the older brother. We trust his life will be along the line of usefulness, and that his parents are proud of their son. The writer is sorry to know so little of the boy.

3 -- LYNDOLF BRAMLET, Third son of Nathan; This is another one of the name who is lost to the knowledge of the writer, having been away and no news of him directly, makes poor history. But assured he is coming along with his class, in or out of school, believing his future to be bright, and his opportunities well enough to be looked after.

3 -- CLAUD BRAMLET, Fourth son of Nathan. We can only say of this boy, as of the older brother, nothing more than to wish him good in life, and hope he is a dutiful son, and that his young life may prove useful, and that he will be a model of a man when grown to manhood.

3 -- BARNEY BRAMLET, Fifth son of Nathan, the younger, and one to teach and train tor future life and usefulness. The world is before him, and may he aspire to the good. May he be a light which others may see, to travel and live by, for good.

2 -- DANIEL BRAMLET, Third son of Benjamin. This boy was a son of Ben's second wife, and was born on a farm, learning the duty of a farmer's son. His schooling was splendid for his opportunities, and a common school education was his. to know. Dan, as he was called, was a very ambitious boy, and as he grew up to manhood, his ambition grew stronger,, and he shifted some- But later he became a. married man,, and, since, the writer knows but little of him, yet. hearing of him, as a farm laborer, earning his bread by the sweat of his. brow. He left Hardin County, Illinois, his birthplace, when a young man, and came into Saline County, He left Saline several years ago, and little is known of him since, except that he is probably living in Union County, Illinois.

1 -- WARNER BRAMLET, Second son of Pioneer Nathan,, born November 28, 1822; died August 5, 1847. This boy was a farm-born product, and knew what it was to help make the farm more productive, as it was mostly timber in the earlier part of his life. His schooling was along with his older brother, Ben, and his life as a boy, was as prosperous as any boy of his day. In growing up he felt, as other boys, that life was his to live and enjoy for many years, but in entering manhood, his stay on earth was short, and he died, not knowing much of the world's troubles The blessings of heaven rest on his future.

1 -- MOSES BRAMLET, Fourth son of Pioneer Nathan, born March 10, 1827; died October 10, 1838. This boy was another farm-born lad, with all the vigor and strength of necessity for a young boy, but his stay on earth was short, and very little did he learn or know of the world. He died, when only a child.

1 -- REUBEN BRAMLET, Sixth son of Pioneer Nathan, born September 10, 1839; died October 19, 1846. This son was one of the bright boys of childhood, but had a short stay on earth, dying when a child.

1 -- JOHN DANIEL BRAMLET, Third son of Pioneer Nathan,, born April 8, 1824; died February 9, 1915, and father of the writer. Daniel is the name he was best known by, and this is the name I shall use in this write-up. Daniel, when just a boy, was as other boys of like teaching and training, yet a boy for truth and fun, as I heard him tell. His school days were few, but his working days were plenty for a boy, yet necessary. The boy of that early day had something to do, as the land was in timber and had to be cleared, brush to be burned and many tasks for growing boys of that day. His schooling was along with his brothers, but his father and mother gave the boy some of their spare time in learning lessons, or rather in the instruction of lessons. But boys were only boys, and their growth and development depended on their ability to comprehend, as at all times objects of thought and study were coming before the eye and entering the mind. Therefore, one's observation to grasp knowledge is one of the keys of successful learning. Darnel was one of the boys who possessed the natural ability of close observation, and he let nothing go by unnoticed; if good, held on to it; if bad, it was cast to the wind and forgotten. In growing up his time was all taken up with work and rest, reading and studying, trying to learn more of a useful life, as he was studying to be a veterinarian, and followed that work for years in connection with farm work and stock raising. He served as a soldier in the Mexican war, and came home and married my mother and raised a family of 14 children which meant work. He bought land in the original plot.


the land first settled by a Bramlet, and lived, raised his family and died on this farm. He was a man of long sight, and had a well balanced mind on natural things He was some rifle shot, as there was plenty of game in his younger days. At butchering time his rifle was put to use. Those are days well remembered by the writer. In an early day of young manhood he accepted Jesus as a personal Savior and united with the church, and was a member until death. In a later day, after his children were most all grown, he decided to prepare and equip a park for deer, and did so with fair success. The deer park place on the farm is well remembered by the many visitors who called to see the deer. This park also had goats and squirrels. wild geese, peacocks and turkeys. Some nice Plymouth Rock chickens were also raised there, and it was a delightful place for young and old to spend a few pleasant hours. Young kid meat (goat) was a delicious summer dish, and real venison for a winter dish. As days, weeks, months and years went by, the deer were sold and there was no more park. This was about the year 1908. During his life, his home was a place of enjoyment for all who might come, and he was some entertainer, to old and young. He was missed by many when called to his heavenly home.



Despite the cold, raw wind, a number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, with other relatives, neighbors and friends, met with Uncle Daniel Bramlet at his home, three miles west of Eldorado, Illinois, April 8, 1914, to spend the day, it being Uncle Daniel's 90th birthday anniversary.

All spent the day very pleasantly, enjoying the occasion and partaking of the good things to eat which were brought in. There were 53 of the direct members of the family and about 25 visiting friends present. A number of the Bramlets were prevented from attending on account of sickness, besides four children in the southwest who failed to attend. The descendents of Uncle Daniel Bramlet and wife are: 14 children, 10 living; 56 grandchildren, 36 living; 37 great-grandchildren, 33 living. The following lines to his memory were written by his son, M. P. Bramlet:


J. D. Bramlet


Florence and Roy Daniel

The following lines to the memory of J. D. Bramlet, by his son, M. H. Bramlet:

Our father is ninety years young today;
Not so old, but somewhat gray.
He has been a father in many ways,
And has lived 32,872 days.
According to customs in earlier days,
The older ones think the younger have curious ways.
But as time advances and the ages go by,
The young, as well as the old, have to die.
As God gives life and God brings death,
Each one should strive for greater wealth.
To live a long life is delightful to know
That God's great wealth to all he will bestow.
If we live a true life, which is God's command,
We'll receive pure blessing by the power of His hand.
The angels of Heaven look down from above,
Shouting, God's people will all be joined in love.
Now, dear children, while doing your work,
The advice of father is never to shirk.
The advice of a father is superior to our own,
Even if we be in our minds almost grown.
Experience in life is 2 teacher, indeed,
And so many of us are are in great need;
And so many dear children make a great fall
When we fail to take father's advice, that's all.

2 -- JASPER BRAMLET, eldest son of Daniel, born July 16, 1852 Jasper came into this world in a day of toil, but it was a few years before he could do much toward work. He took hold pretty early, as the farm was to be made by clearing off timber, and he soon was an expert with the ax. He was also good with maul and wedge. His school days were only I surely good for his time, yet he learned to read and write and do sums in arithmetic. His natural ability was very good to comprehend. Jasper always delighted to do work, as in growing up he was large to his age and very strong, and delighted to do more than the other fellow, and usually did. In his prime of life, and working time of season was on for special farm work, he enjoyed taking the lead at cradling wheat, and when log rolling time came, it was his delight to select a good man to match him, and take the lead. He also would run, jump and scuffle, but always in the best of humor. He was a man of action when he. grew to be a man, and he was some man.. But soon he decided to take unto himself a wife, and he made a good selection. In due time a son was born into this home, which made pleasure for the parents. Jasper continued to farm until death, which came in early married life, as he, with several other men, was in swimming, and he took cramps and drowned July 11, 1875. One son was born after his death. Jasper was missed in the home, in the community, and in the church, as he had made peace with God.

3 -- ARTHUR BRAMLET, Oldest son of Jasper. .AS this boy only lived a short time, very little can be said of him. He was too young to remember his father. His death came at about three years of age, with scarlet fever.

3 -- NEWTON BRAMLET, Second and last son of Jasper. This boy was born after his father's death, and only lived a short time, the scarlet fever taking him also.

2 -- FRANK M. BRAMLET, Second son of Daniel, born March 2, 1854. Frank is yet living, and as a farm born product, he as served his days on the farm. His boyhood days were days I work, play and go to school, but he did not get the schooling of his day, as boys are getting it now in 1923. But he learned to read, spell and write and do some arithmetic: The work on the farm was to be done, and Frank was one of the boys who learned the lick of swinging the ax and pulling the saw, so that he made a great chopper. His strength and size were proof of his ability to do things. Many a tussle he had with his older brother, as they were near of a size and strength. This was only developing muscle to be able to do more farm work, which was necessary to be done. When it came to cradling grain, or putting a hand-stick under a log, Frank was a partner for the best, and he has been much of a man. In the year 1875 Frank became 21 years of age, and decided to do for himself, so he packed his grip and started for Missouri. Landing safely at his destination, he found some near kindred and worked with them on the farm until he received word of his brother's death; then he came back to Illinois. The same day that Jasper was drowned in Illinois, Frank saved a man's life from drowning in the Missouri river. After coming home he got busy, as usual, looking after things of interest, and the most interesting thing seemed to be a fair damsel living across the slough, on Shephards Hill. In days to come an agreement was made and consent of parents secured, then a happy union and two were one. After this event work was seemingly more enjoyable, as there were two to work for instead of one, and in the sweet by and by a son was born to the union. This son was named Ora. In the toil of farm work, as years came and went, another son came to live with them, Albert, and more, work to be done. Frank was none the less put back, but only pushed ahead to do a father's duty in caring for this growing family. He has lived to raise and see his children grown and married, eleven in all, seven living and with families, Calvin, Herman, Wanda, the youngest boys. Then two infants that did not live. Therefore, a good sized family. Frank made his choice of a Savior .while a young man, and united with the church, and holds good hopes in his older days. He knows what hardship and tribulation means. He has never been the man to shirk duty, and even in his older days he wants to work. He is mighty handy about doing things, and maintains his industry. His life as lived tells the true story of friend-ship, being accommodating, tender hearted, always willing to sacrifice and never too busy to help in time of need. His present home is on a farm near Eldorado, Illinois, where he can be found living with his youngest daughter, as he lost his companion some months ago. May the blessings of heaven rest on him in his last days, is the writer's prayer (a brother).

3 -- ORA BRAMLET, Oldest son of Frank. Ora was born on his parents' farm and grew up a farmer boy, getting a common school education. He learned what it was to do real farm work, as he was the oldest boy and got busy as soon as age and size would permit, and that pretty young. It is very natural to farm trained boys to want to get out on a horse or to learn to plow before he can hold up a plow, yet this is a step to growth and development for the boy. Ora was not a slow one to take hold of the real task in doing his work, but felt his ability to some day try something different to that of farming. In growing to manhood and taking unto himself a wife, it came his turn to try the business act, and his success has been to his financial growth in his business experience. He is one of the kind that spells thrift, by turning things over and getting to the goal. His life tells for good and prosperity, and he is to be found about his business place, near Harrisburg, Illinois. Later-Ora departed this life March 15, 1923.

4 -- DEAN BRAMLET, Son of Ora, is a school boy, getting n boy's chance of an education, and surely he will make good, as he has a noble opportunity. Only one boy to look after and train and educate, and the school and store will give some real knowledge worth while for a boy. Certainly, he has a bright nature to look to, and he has the well wishes of all kindred.

3 -- ALBERT BRAMLET, Second son of Frank. When you speak of a hustling boy, you are talking sense to this boy. His schooling was not to make a lawyer, or doctor, but a farmer, and his early taste of farm life has later developed to real interest. When a boy with his father, he stuck to his bush, thorns or no thorns, and helped to make those big corn crops, working like a toper. When grown and feeling like a man, his fancy, the eye, caught a glimpse of a maiden fair, and my, how anxious he became to know more of this young lady. The good opportunity came. and the result was a union of two lives. Along with the farm knowledge,«he wished to add some scientific knowledge, and took up the barber trade, making good for some years, but later going back to the farm. He is now looking after and handling several hundred acres of fine farming land, as owner. He is to be found near Crossville, White County, Illinois. His choice in companionship has meant and proved much to him. As an old saying goes, 'tis better to be born lucky than rich, so if one is born good looking and lucky, he can surely get by. A man can make a great mistake in life, after accumulating an abundance of the world's good things, by failing to lay up treasures for the future life, which is a great mistake. What will it .profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what can he give in exchange for his soul? Albert's life can only prove his position, and the training of those boys is his obligation to fulfill. May God's blessings be his in life and in eternity.

4 -- ST. ELMO BRAMLET, First mentioned son of Albert, is a child of delight to his father. A school boy, coming along. with his classmates and soon to be doing very useful things about the farm, his opportunities for the future are great. It is hoped he proves worthy the name, and doubtless he will make good his calling.

4 -- ST. CLAIR BRAMLET, Second son of Albert. Another chip off the old block and one of rustling disposition, he will soon be up in school with his brother. The day of opportunities is coming to those who make ready the choosing for good. May blessings be in abundance to the worthy one. Greetings!

3 -- CALVIN BRAMLET, Third son of Frank, another boy of the farm, but some boy he was. His schooling was fair, but he seemed to think working would win the goal. Cal, as he is. called, sure made good as a boy in playing, but when he got. older and began to learn farm work, his time was busily spent during the crop season in making and caring for the crop. The winter months were spent in school, and his education is not sufficient to teach in the public school, but will help one to enjoy knowing he can do his own counting. When Cal became a man he felt like a man and decided to get married, provided an agreement could be reached, and it was, and two lives were made as one. Soon a change of occupation came and he left the farm work for a coal Job. He is working in coal mines, making big money when working. His future prosperity depends on life and its savings. Most miners save little, but work hard and take great risk of life. May Calvin know the way of righteousness, while it is his to know life, with blessings.

3 -- HERMAN BRAMLET, Fourth son of Frank, one more farm product, but one of those who enjoyed his boyhood days, For a few short years his time was spent in playing, eating: and sleeping, but soon he became large enough to do things, and go to school, and then the years began to lengthen. But Herman was one to carry his load and not do much complaining, knowing the work must be done, and those long hot days. were tests to a boy's makeup. His schooling was along with others of his age, and he learned some useful things in school-Those days have passed into history, only to be read and remembered. He was some to move around and see to things of interest, and as he began to enter young manhood, his mind was becoming developed along with his growth. He, like his brothers, had to go and get married-no, not that he had to do so, but because of a chance, as he knew it was a fifty dollar fine to get married without a chance. Then came a change from farm to coal mine, working eight hours instead of six-teen. Some difference in time, some difference in wages, but what the risk in life. Slay he not forget the life of today and also of the future.

3 -- WANDA BRAMLET, Fifth son of Frank M. Wanda is the youngest living, and married, but .it was a long road from babyhood to father. Yet the early life may be seen in this new son, or rather some parental experience. When Wanda was just a little fellow, he was a cute, pretty boy, but as he grew to school age and entered school, his good looks were admired by the teacher, and some special interest was manifested in him. But little attention did Wanda pay to good looks in that early day. His school hours were well spent in learning to read and write, but he quit school too soon, as many do. He makes out, however, to count the tonnage of coal loaded each day, which is his financial interest, in CAring for wife and son. Blessings to this home.

4 -- HERBERT LEE BRAMLET, Son of Wanda, and the only one at this date of March., 1923. Herbert is only a baby yet and less than two years old. He knows but little of this world in which he is living, and less of any other world, but should his life be extended into years of the future and his teaching and training be .as profitable as it might be, he may be the one To take up the family history and bring it down to his day. The writer only wishes for more interest and more information, and is hoping the family and friends will read this book, and that only good may come by the reading. Blessings to Herbert Lee Bramlet.

4 -- Two infants sons of Frank, but no life to mention, as they died at birth.

2 -- NATHAN N. BRAMLET, Third son of Daniel, born December 15, 1860. Poley, as he is called and known, was some boy to be a farm-born and farm-grown boy, yet it sounds good and the growing was right. Poley, when a school boy, cared but little for books. He liked the fun and sport part of school, and learned something of books, but never made very much advancement. His farm life at home was short, to compare with some other boys of the farm, but he was strong like a mule and could do lots of work, but it seemed not to suit his fancy, therefore, his roving mind. At the age of sixteen he went into Texas, rode the bronco and carried the lasso, herding cattle. He came home later and worked well and got married. One son from this union resulted. But traveling was in his mind and he was soon gone again and over the big pond into England and then back home, and he farmed for a while; then gone again getting married and getting busy on a farm, doing splendidly. But he liked going still, and this time he went into Arkansas. There he lost his wife and three children, all boys, leaving one girl, and later she died. At this time he has only one son living, and that by his first wife. Poley, to those who know him, is some man, when man's strength is tested. He loved sport and liked it for pastime, but he has been a money maker also. For fifteen years he has been in New Mexico farming and selling goods, but now he is in Old Mexico in the real estate business. He seems to think he is near reaching the goal, but possibly it is just a little further on. He has been in some hard, tough places, but always came out whole. It seems he has never learned of heaven. He always, made friends wherever he planted himself, being a real mixer with the world, and having seen lots of the world. He owns about two sections of good land in Mexico, and a good bottom farm in Arkansas. His son, Walter, lives on the Arkansas land, but Poley likes his Mexican climate and surroundings. May the prayer be answered of those who pray.

3 -- WALTER BRAMLET, Oldest son of Poley, was born on a farm, and has lived most of his life on the farm. Walter deserves great credit for his being what he is today, for certainly his boyhood days were a rugged path, with very little schooling. When old enough, it was work, and while work is only the making of a boy, yet he needs some of life's comforts. as he works through the young life. But where there is a will there is a way provided, and this has been Walter's experience. In due time he became a man, and has the comforts of wife and children, living on an Arkansas farm. He was born and raised in Illinois, but since becoming grown, has lived in Kentucky and Arizona, and now in Arkansas. His habits are not known to the writer, but we wish him all the good in life. NATHAN N. BRAMLET, Son of Walter, and the only one the writer knows of. We hope he proves worthy the name, and that some day the writer can have the opportunity to meet him and learn more of his near kindred. Best wishes to the boy.

3 -- JOHN BRAMLET, Second son of Poley. This boy was an Arkansas product, and his life was short in this world. He was possibly three or four years old when he died in Arkansas.

3 -- One infant son, no name learned by the writer.

3 -- LOUIS BRAMLET, Another son of Poley, but of short life when death claimed him.

2 -- MEEKS HALEY BRAMLET, The fourth son of Daniel, Born April 6, 1864. When birth came to this boy, I was there and it was on Wednesday, April 6, 1864. I was born bare-footed, and with some hair and had no teeth, but could cry. My name was given me by a friend of my father, and he also gave me a silver half dollar and a pair of red shoes. The name has lasted the longest; and I am proud of it. My first recollection, at the age of two and one half years, was the 50 cent piece; the next was at three years old, the little red shoes. It has been said by older ones, that this boy in growing up was some trouble, but I don't remember so much about that, as I do of the trouble of some others. I do well remember, how I was imposed on, just because I was little. I very well re-


member my first trip to the public school house, where later most of my school days were spent. On this one occasion, it is Friday afternoon, and some girls found a snake in the woods, and came and reported it to the teacher, and to the older boys. They went to the spot where the snake was seen, aid the reptile had crawled under an old stump, and one of the larger boys turned the stump over, and there were snakes. The teacher had the large boys to get sticks, and the fun began, as there was a bed or den of them. When the fun was all over, the dog-wood saplings near by were almost full of dead snakes. Reader, did you ever see a snake den, or a den of snakes? Possibly you have heard of some men having snakes in their boots. In my school days, I truly liked the school work; and tried to learn, and did learn something beside meanness. They said I was a good speller; not the old blue-back speller, but could spell the words in the blue-back speller. I well remember all my teachers, and lots of the scholars. It seems to me, I still remember the good things, also some of the silly pranks, but I shall not tell on the boys like George Stricklin. I well remember my first farm work; it was trying to plow with old Jack, a one-eyed mule. Jack knew more about plowing than I did; he ought to have known more than me, for he was the oldest, and had done more plowing than I had. The way the plowing was done did not suit my father, and he placed a limb across my back, and instructed me to do better and I did. Old Jack loved to pick grass when he got to the fence, and that suited me. I was not always lazy, so they say, but later, as the years passed on, I grew up some, and learned to do real farm work, and liked it pretty well. As time passed on, my age placed me near a man's age. I had made a choice of a Savior, at the age of 17, and bless your soul, and mine, too, it is happy to know, that there is a Savior, who can save while living here below. As I grew older, and had more experience, I still learned things of interest, and some things of disinterest; but it all comes in a life time. At the age of 20, my choice was made of a companion, and a happy union, and children, blessed this home. Later sorrow filled our hearts in the loss of our first son, Arthur. But the love of God that passeth all understanding, remained with sorrowing parents, and we pushed on and on, until the time of the wife's departure came. Then the pleasantness of home ceased, for a number of years; some sorrow crept in, and spoiled a life of usefulness, for the time. But now, thank God, things have a new shadow of light, and life is real again. A sledge of greed, for selfish gain, will darken a life, but yet not slain. The love of God to those He'll give, a life of peace in which to live. I clerked, I taught, and I sang; Then why can't I do the same again? Dr. A. J. Butner of Harrisburg, Illinois, is a disciplined subject of Meeks H. Bramlet, and was under his control from the age of 12 to 21 years, directly and indirectly. Others had a share in looking after this boy's interest and welfare-Daniel Bramlet, Lucinda Wise, Albert Gaskins. Ask the doctor who lifted him up and pushed him onward and upward.

3 -- DR. A. J. BUTNER was born in Tennessee, April 22, 1877, and moved to Illinois at the age of eight years. He was soon left an orphan boy, and by request of his father, M. H. Bramlet took control of the lad. He placed him where the boy had a chance to develop mind and muscle at once, giving him home discipline and instruction which started the boy right. His growth and development in farmology and books was truly a God-send to this boy. His advancement has been continuous. After finishing his common school as pupil, teaching was a choice for several schools. But all along the line, he had a craving desire to become a physician, therefore his ambition placed him in a medical school. His starting out in life with his sole capital the heritage of a good name, supplemented with courage to endure, strength to labor and patience to wait, A. J. Butner of Harrisburg, one of the promoters of the magnificent hospital which now adorns that city, has


fought his way to a place among the eminent medical men of this section of the state. He is a representative of a self-made man, a Christian Baptist. Watch him grow. May God be praised.

3 -- ARTHUR B. BRAMLET, Oldest son of Meeks H. This child only lived seven months.

3 -- CLYDE E. BRAMLET, Second son of Meeks H., was born March 25, 1887, in the village of Raleigh, Illinois. He grew up on the farm, and as soon as old enough, he was driving a team. It was his delight to ride on the roller and push on the lines. His first days of books were in the home, where he learned to spell and read before going to the school building. His start was splendid, and a dutiful boy he was in and out of school, as only one correction was ever necessary in the form of a whipping. After his mother died, his life was not as pleasant as could have been; yet he tugged along the best he could under existing circumstances, and grew to be a man

Clyde E. Bramlet

himself a wife. His life since marriage has been mostly in railroad employment, and he still holds to his job, making good. In early life his choice of a Savior was made, and he works at his profession. His life tells for itself and wins for him friends, to be appreciated. His home is in Eldorado, Illinois, where he may be found before and after work hours. The writer, his father, wishes this son the comforts and pleasures of this life, and the blessing of heaven in the beyond.

4 -- ELDON OWEN BRAMLET, The only son of Clyde, is some boy and the pride of his father. Eldon, being the oldest and youngest child of the family, seems to have a pretty good time. He goes to school, he plays some, he rides in the car, he blows his own horn, and he attends Sunday school and church. He is secretary of his Sunday school department, which means much to any boy's life. His public school work is also progressive, as is his play when out of school. His

Eldon Owen Bramlet

opportunities are very great in gaining an education and in making a useful man. Blessings to the boy.

3 -- FRANCIS M. BRAMLET, Third son of Meeks H., an infant, only lived two weeks.

3 -- ELMER HOBART BRAMLET, fourth son of Meeks H. This boy has always been very apt to learn and do things, as he learned his letters and was spelling at 25 months of age. At the age of five years he was reading in the second reader, and he started in school at the age of six, moving along nicely with his school work. This boy never knew of farm life by experience, although he was born on the farm. His early life was spent in school and in restaurant work, and later in offices. His educational qualifications are; high school, German and instrumental music. At the beginning of the great world war, he entered the Aviation Corps and made good, with only one accident, which was not serious. This was some schooling for a young man, who was lucky enough to get home alive. Later he returned to New York City and joined the Merchant Marine, setting sail for different parts of the world. He crossed the big pond several times, but returned to the United States. Not satisfied to land for good, he re-contracted and made another voyage, as foreman of the cooking department, and he is at this writing doing service over seas. He was at Shanghai, China, March 14, 1923. Landing in the U. S. in September, he made a short visit home, and then back to the ocean job in November, 1923.

3 -- ERNEST WAYNE BRAMLET, Fifth son of Meeks H., and one who was always in earnest to do things, which he deemed necessary. When a baby he was a very sober child, and a mighty good baby, but he seemed to outgrow some of the traits as he grew older. This was not all his fault, as a child will grow from innocence to sinfulness, this being very natural in human beings. Wayne, as he is known and called, learned in school and out of school. While he never liked school, he would get his lessons in a short time. He was raised in and around the restaurant and knows how to cook. His father, being a cook and candy maker, has helped all the boys to learn the trade. When Wayne grew up to be a man, he hiked to the coal mine to work, and still follows loading coal for a livelihood, and for the dollars it brings in return for the work done. He is of a jolly disposition and makes friends at work or play, his associates knowing him as "Monk." This is his pet name. His father wishes him well and trusts he learns a better way of living while life in his to know. Wayne is a married man.

2 -- JOHN MATTHEW BRAMLET, Fifth son of Daniel, born January 15, 1869. This boy was born and raised on the farm, and learned to do farm work, getting his book learning in the old public school building, long ago torn down. Those, days were days of pleasure for the boy. His education was not an advanced one in books, but his natural ability made up for some blank knowledge of books. John was a mighty stout boy, and was some scuffler for a boy. When grown to manhood he was, and is, some man. At the age of 19 or 20 he left home for Texas to visit a married sister, and liked the country. Later he came home and got married and went back to Texas, and is still in that great state. He found work in Sherman in the fall of 1890 and is still doing the same kind of work but in a different way. He is his own boss, and has earned and saved lots of money. His boys work with him and know the route. John is in. religious belief, along with most of the family. Baptist. He has made a wide circle of friends in his business as a mover. He handles furniture, pianos and anything movable, making short and long trips with one or more trucks as needed. Prosperity seems to be his to enjoy.

3 -- RAYMOND BRAMLET, Oldest son of John M., is a Texas product and one of the real boys. He was born and raised in Sherman, and was some boy for fun and sport. As a marble player, other boys had to do some fudging to keep him from getting all the games and marbles. But when school time came the program was changed to ball and bat and an occasional knockout. Raymond is grown and married, and busy with his father. The writer has not seen the lad since he became grown. but gets a word occasionally from his town informing of his interest to the effect that he is doing the act in loading and unloading. Blessings on the young man and his family.

3 -- CECIL BRAMLET, second son of John M., another Texas boy, from Illinois blood, and he proves a true-to-name Texan, but he has spent some time in old Illinois. His schooling days were in Texas, and fairly well spent, but when a man of more .years he can see plainly why he should have finished up his book education. His life as single or married, gives experience, for thought, and knowledge; which means something to a raw life. The writer understands, he is also working with his father. Best wishes to Cecil. Later reports are that Cecil is working in Chicago, Illinois.

2 -- AMBROSE DANIEL BRAMLET, sixth son, and baby, of Daniel. In 1875 this boy was born, March 13, and a farm product of spring time, his growth has been phenomenal, from a 7 pounder to a 260 pounder. Ambrose, as we call him, but down in Texas he goes or comes, or answers, when you say Dan. When a baby boy, he got good care, by all the household, and grew as a boy should. But so soon he was walking, and had scarlet fever, and looked as if he must die, but still lives. ,His schooling was pretty fair, considering his health, for those days there Was lots of chills, traveling over the country, and they caught this boy, and took him out of school for days and weeks, and he had a hard time getting cured. But when he went to Texas, he grew up like a healthy fellow, his farm life did not last as long as us older boys. He tried firing an engine, of a railroad train, for some time, quit that and got married. Then went into the grocery business, and made good for some time, then sold out, and doing other business now. He owns quite a bit of property in his Texas town of Sherman. He is one of the big-hearted kind, but he has an understanding of human nature, to know when necessary to open up to the needy. God loves a cheerful giver, and more blessed to give than to receive. Then we remember, the beggar at the gate, asking alms, of the passer by. May his hands be held out for mercy, praying to be supplied from a bountiful hand. One daughter. Hazel, to bless this home.

1 -- THOMAS C. BRAMLET, Born July 23, 1832, The fifth son of Pioneer Nathan, this son was born on a farm or what was then called a farm, but mostly in Woods; the timber was to be cleared off the land so a crop could be made. But living came much cheaper than now, as home spun and home made. clothing was all the go then, and all the material was grown from the sheep's' back, and from the cotton patch. The writer wishes for a top and under suit of the old home made cloth of 50 years ago. And Thomas lived in a day of toil, by might and main; but only necessary, to dig and work, and work and. dig. His schooling was short in quantity, but bountiful in quality; for those days the boy received home training, to an understanding of obedience, to parent and teacher. The school houses of that day were built of logs or round poles, chinked and daubed with mud or mortar, and a stick and dirt chimney, with large fire-place, one door, and one or two places cut out for windows; to give a little light. The benches were made of a log split open, and holes bored in the round part of the log, or bark side, and wooden legs put in; and this turned, with flat side up to sit on, and no brace for the back. This was the conveniences of that day, and on back to earlier days, of the older ones. Thomas was a working boy, and all along the line of life, but by and by he became a man, and married, and still worked, to support his growing family. He was married while living in Illinois, before the war of '65. Just after the war he left for Missouri, taking wife and three children with him, and landed near Jefferson City, and there he lived, as before, on a farm. But in a few years, he moved to Texas, and there farmed ; but his health failed him, and he died in 1878. His family soon left Texas, and moved back to Missouri, landing back near the old stand, with the boys, William, James and Thomas, and the mother, with five daughters. His body lies in a Texas grave, to moulder back to dust from whence is was made.

2 -- WILLIAM E. BRAMLET, oldest son of Thomas C., was born in Illinois, and was a small boy when his parents moved to Missouri. His days of school work were in touch of the opportunities, of his state; and he made good the opportunity, He also had to work before and after school hours. But when the family moved to Texas, and returned to Missouri, William was old enough to think of a wife, which was very natural, to human beings. And soon a wife was his to choose; and his family, to bless the home. He has always been a farmer and stock raiser, and has made good success. His home is in Cedar City, Missouri, just across the Missouri River, from the state capitol. His life as farmer and stock man, is to his liking, and prosperity. Good.

3 -- LUTHER BRAMLET, Oldest son of William E., was born and raised in Missouri and had the advantage of the pubic school and home training sufficient to make a man of some pride to his parents. He learned the plans of a farmer and how much hustle it takes to fairly succeed in the life of toil. Luther, like unto his kindred, when grown up to be a man, decided to try to support a wife, and very naturally is husband and father, doing the labor of industry. The writer knows so little of his life that he can't give in detail what might be justice to him, but trust his life is such that no burden of reproach hangs as a gloom, and that he may have made peace with God while life is his to claim.

4 -- PAUL EUGEAN BRAMLET, son of Luther, and a pride of his father, and should be. This boy is unknown to the writer, therefore but little can be said in a fact of facts. We can say to him, and for his eternal interest, that he may grow up to be a man to be proud of by his family and neighbors, and that his life may be a life of usefulness. In living he may always have the true object of God's love in his heart, which brings forth Blessings.

4 -- WILLIAM BRAMLET, second son as mentioned of Luther. This is another boy to have the care and privileges of his parents' home, both in schooling and in learning the necessity of labor. The writer knows nothing of this lad, but wishes him the best in life, which is to say amen to all that's good, which he may choose to do in this life. Wishing him blessings and prosperity and a long and useful life.

4 -- MATTHEW BRAMLET, The youngest son of Luther. This boy may or may not be a great factor in life, but he has the world before him, and should have the training that will make his life tell for good in years to come. Another boy of the family not known to the writer, but he has the wishes and the prayers the best. We hope in the near future to meet him face to face and learn of his future prospects for good.

The writer wishes to add in reference to these boys, that a great effort was made by letters to get more definite information of them, so a better write-up could be given, but relatives failed to give the desired information. I have used patience, time, study and money to obtain sufficient facts of a nature to make interesting reading of this family, and will again say to all, please get a thought of cheer in reading this book, and pass it on down the line of families. Then will it be and do the purpose intended by the writer.

2 -- JAMES F. BRAMLET, Second son of Thomas C. Jim, as we know him, was born in Illinois, and when a small boy, his parents moved to Missouri. In his early days he had some Hardships to contend with, especially his schooling was not privileged the best, but constant perseverance and a determined mind to make good, enabled him to climb to a knowledge of some interest. His young life as a farmer boy gave him mind and muscle, grit and backbone to be able to tackle things of merit. After growing up to manhood and taking unto himself a wife, a greater responsibility was his to shoulder, but his makeup and past experience placed him on a footing ready to fill his obligations as husband and father. In a few years he was left a lonely man, but cared for his children, educating them and changing his occupation, ,He became a builder of homes, a contractor, and remaining single, still lives and works in and about the state capital at Jefferson City, Mo. James is a man of great personality and gets up and does things. He is very proud of a daughter, who holds positions of honor and trust, and he is a worthy father. Blessings to all.

3 -- JAMES AUGUSTA BRAMLET, Only son of James F. This boy is unknown to the writer, and very little has been said of him. In giving a historical write-up, some definite information should be had, but this boy, if he follows the family traits in doing and learning things, his life will not be a failure. He should be useful in many phases of life, of which his kindred will be proud. Trusting he may remember his Creator in the days of his youth, and be honest with himself and with his God.

2 -- THOMAS C. BRAMLET, JR., Third and youngest son of Thomas C., was born in Missouri. . After the close of the civil war he obtained his education in Missouri schools, and being raised on a farm, learned what it was to labor in tilling the soil. But year after year he grew to be a man and, like others, desired a wife. At this writing he is living in Rock Island, Illinois, and holds a position worthy of trust, being a model man and one to be relied upon. His success to a degree is his to enjoy, in caring for his little family. May the blessings of the Almighty God cheer him to a hope that is both sure and steadfast, as an anchor to the soul, that his life may be a worthy example to set before his growing son.

3 -- RAYMOND BRAMLET, Son of Thomas E., Jr. This boy has years ahead of him, should he be permitted to live to enjoy them. Yet he will meet with some difficulties in life which are common to human beings, and the preparation that is made for life will help in bearing burdens. May his. life be useful and prosperous.

1 -- SAMUEL BRAMLET, The youngest son of Pioneer Nathan. This boy, being the baby boy, had some better privileges than some of the older ones. His hardships on the farm were not so great, as there was not so much timber to be Cleared, but plenty of work yet to be done. Sam, as he was called, was some boy for fun and sport, and as he grew up his sporting ideas did not decrease any, but rather grew stronger. Upon a time, he wished to get married, and succeeded in persuading a fair maiden to come and live with him, and the two were made as one. But life was not all sunshine and flowers. He farmed some, but soon moved to the village of Eldorado, Illinois. There he entered the hotel business and in a few years decided to go west. Leaving his family with the hotel until he became located, they followed him later into the west. But soon word came that Sam Bramlet was dead. For years we heard nothing of the family, only to get definite news that Sam was dead.

2 -- LUM BRAMLET, Only son of Samuel. This boy was left in Eldorado, Illinois, with mother and sisters, but soon into The west they went. For several years no news came of the family, but in the course of time Lum came in to visit his kindred in and near Eldorado. Then he was gone again for a number of years, and all this time he was in Kansas and Oklahoma, working on a railroad train. About the year 1904 Lum slipped in on us and made a long visit with his near relatives. Then he returned to the west, and we have not heard from him nor any of the family since, but it is believed he and one sister still live in Kansas. Good wishes to the living. Later, November, 1923-News came of Lum, stating the fact that he had left the western states and slipped across the Mississippi river into Illinois, landing at Alton. He brought a wife along to spend the time in older days more pleasantly. Lum had been classed as a bachelor long enough, though good report is made of his life and work. May God's blessings be his and his wife's to enjoy. At this writing Lum must be near 56 or 57 years old.

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